What Apple Watch Means For Trackers

This morning Apple announced its much anticipated smartwatch, called Apple Watch. It will be released “early 2015,” which I’m thrilled to say is also when my book about self-tracking will be released! My book, entitled Trackers: How Technology Is Helping Us Monitor & Improve Our Health, is about how technology is fundamentally changing how we track our daily health … Read more

The Quantified Doctor

My first book, due out January 2015, is about the Quantified Self movement. It’s called Trackers: How Technology Is Helping Us Monitor & Improve Our Health. One of the chapters is about a doctor who encourages her patients to use self-tracking tools, such as Fitbit or MyFitnessPal. Well now there’s a self-tracking company that caters … Read more

Thoughts On 23andMe & The FDA

This week the world of consumer health technology got a rude shock, when the FDA warned personal genomics company 23andMe that its marketing was in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act). The FDA seemed most concerned about the potential for 23andMe customers to misread their DNA results and take unnecessary or … Read more

Writer’s Log, 22/8/13: Over 50k Words

This morning I completed the ninth draft chapter of my book, on the topic of consumer health technology. I’ve now written 55,000 words, so I’m roughly 3/4 of the way there. I’m really pleased with the progress I’ve made since my previous Writer’s Log at the end of June. My goal at that point was … Read more

Writer’s Log, 28/6/13: Half Year Report

We’re halfway through 2013, so it’s a good time to update you all on my book project. My book is about how Internet technology is revolutionizing the health and wellness industries, by empowering you – the consumer – to take control of your day to day health. I’ve had fun researching and writing it. I’ve … Read more

Writer’s Log, 12/4/13: 20,000 Words

I just went past the 20,000 words mark in my book. It took me about 3 weeks to write the first 10,000 words, but just over half that (8 working days) for the second 10,000. And yes, I am tracking my daily book progress too, amongst all the other self-tracking I’m doing! I’ve now written … Read more

Why I’m Disappointed In 23andMe – Hopefully Its “Personalized Recommendations” Will Help

When I began my book project on consumer health technology, I had two classes of technology in mind for particular attention: Quantified Self (a.k.a. self-tracking) and personal genomics. I’ve found plenty of material to write about in the Quantified Self area. However I’ve been disappointed in my findings about personal genomics. I’m also not so … Read more

Quantified Self at SXSW 2013

Industry analysts at Altimeter, Chris Silva and Jeremiah Owyang, did a welcome overview post of the technology that mattered at SXSW this year. Welcome because nearly every other SXSW post I saw was about the parties and corporate concerts…although I have been extremely guilty of that too at past SXSWs! I didn’t miss going to … Read more