Writer’s Log, 31/12/13: Book Completed!

Just in time for the new year, I have completed the final manuscript of my book about consumer health technology. Weighing in at 72,965 words, the writing and editing is done. Now I just need to get it published! But that is a task for the first part of 2014.

I’m feeling proud that I achieved my goal of writing a book in 2013. Even though it won’t truly feel like my book until it’s sitting on the shelves of my local indie bookstore, Unity Books in Wellington, or on the virtual shelves of Amazon.com.

I embarked on this book writing journey in November 2012, when I began the research phase. In January 2013 I traveled to the US and UK to conduct interviews. I began writing on 7 March, reaching my first 10,000 words by the end of that month. I went over the 50k word mark in August and finished the first draft on 25 October. Today, 31 December 2013, the writing part is complete.

What’s ahead for me in 2014? Firstly, I will be working towards getting my book published. I’ll also begin the research phase for my second book. Yes, I’m doing it all again next year! I learned so much about writing a book in 2013, including that I enjoy this work immensely. Stay tuned for more news in the new year, both about book and book .

Happy new year everyone!