
I’ve been working at The New Stack for five weeks now, and am enjoying it more than any other job I’ve had since ReadWriteWeb. A big part of that is due to the team of people I’m working with, who have been generous with their time and knowledge, and welcoming. But I’m also feeling energized … Read more

Newsroom job

This week I started a cool new job at Newsroom, one of New Zealand’s premier independent media companies. I’ll be their Chief Product Officer for a few days a week, and also writing my weekly technology column for the site. As I noted in my LinkedIn profile, I’ll be responsible for building the Newsroom technology platform … Read more

My new blog, Blocksplain


It’s been over five years now since I left ReadWriteWeb. During that time I wrote and published two books – Trackers (2014) and Presence (2016). But it was time for a change in 2018, so I’ve started up a new tech blog. That’s because I’ve become obsessed, in a healthy way, about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. … Read more

My New Gig: Tech Columnist At Newsroom


I’m pleased to announce my role as Tech Columnist at Newsroom, a soon to be launched news and current affairs website. Full details in the press release below. See also Newsroom’s announcement. *** February 22, 2017 – Newsroom is pleased to announce that Richard MacManus, the founder of ReadWriteWeb, will be Newsroom’s Technology columnist. MacManus launched … Read more

ReadWrite Turns 12

12 years ago to this day, I started a blog called ReadWrite/Web. It’s now called ReadWrite. Twelve years is a long time in the Internet world. Back in 2003, Facebook had just been launched from Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard dorm room, there was not yet a YouTube or Twitter, Apple’s most popular product was the iPod, and the height of mobile technology was … Read more

A New Chapter

Today I part ways with the blog I founded back in April 2003, ReadWriteWeb. It has been an amazing journey and I am confident ReadWriteWeb will continue to explore what’s next in technology with the thoughtful analysis you have all come to expect. I wish SAY Media and the RWW team all the best as … Read more