Stuff columns, book update, reading recommendation

In July I started a new column at Stuff, New Zealand’s largest news website. As well as appearing online, my weekly columns sometimes make it into The Dominion Post (look out for it every Wednesday, in the Technology section).

My columns have been getting a lot of comments on the Stuff website, so they seem to be hitting the mark. Here’s the list so far:

28/8/17: Solving climate change with technology, not taxes; I outline three technological solutions to climate change.
21/8/17: What to do when AI takes your job; I ask whether we’re doing enough to prepare for the inevitable AI jobs purge.
14/8/17: The future of entertainment media; Why it won’t be long before internet programming is the primary form of entertainment media.
7/8/17: Social media likes won’t translate into votes; I look at whether social media makes a meaningful difference in politics.
31/7/17: Get ready for the Apple AR revolution; I’m betting AR will lead to the biggest expansion of apps in the App Store since the iPad in 2010.
25/7/17: Sky’s streaming apps are a viewing nightmare; Cable tv apps and how global rugby rights might play out in the streaming era.

Stuff column

Book update:

I completed the second draft of my next science fiction novel, about Artificial Intelligence, in July. Since then I’ve been working on my pitch and trying to attract the attention of a literary agent. No news on that so far, but I’ll keep you informed.

Reading recommendation:

I’m an eclectic reader and I don’t just stick to the genre I write in. For example, one of my favourite writers is Gore Vidal. I recently completed his 7-book Narratives of Empire series. It mixes American political and cultural history with fiction, and is utterly beguiling for fans of The American Dream. I particularly enjoyed Burr and Lincoln, the first two novels in order of historical chronology, but you can start with any of the books.

Check out this documentary of Gore for more details about his life and work:

Other news:

I recently completed an online archive of my career as a technology journalist and writer. It includes links to all my posts on ReadWriteWeb, the tech blog I ran from April 2003 to October 2012. Also my work at ZDNet and several other online publications.

These days you can find me on Twitter and Facebook, so do connect with me there if you’re a tech or scifi fan.

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