Blocksplain & column highlights

I’ve been doing a lot of writing recently. While I’m taking a break from the book world, I’ve been full-on with a new blog and my weekly newspaper column. Here are a few quick highlights…

My new blog about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Blocksplain, has been making an impact in the emerging “Web 3” ecosystem. As I tweeted today:

If you aren’t yet following Blocksplain, you can get notifications of new posts via RSS, email (see the website), or Twitter. There’s also a Facebook Page, although I don’t think Facebook is ideal since it may not show up in your feed.

If you’re looking to insert yourself into the crypto community, I recommend signing up to Twitter (and following @blocksplain).

Check out the Blocksplain index, to see what I’ve been writing about so far. You can read about new blockchain and crypto startups (like Filecoin and SingularityNET), cryptocurrencies (like NEO and Monero), and the latest blockchain trends.

As well as the new blog, I continue to write a weekly column at Stuff – New Zealand’s largest news website. Recently in my column I’ve discussed both the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence, weighing up privacy costs when using apps, and how to build a decentralized Twitter. I also coined a new term: vagueware.

If you have any suggestions for upcoming Blocksplain posts or Stuff columns, hit me up on Twitter (@ricmac) or by reaching out via my Contact page.

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