Media Citations

Here are some media highlights, covering my time running ReadWriteWeb (2003-2012) through to my current internet history website, Cybercultural.


9/11/21: Interview with Speckyboy, an online magazine for web designers, about my Web Development History project.



24/9/19: Building the Future of Digital Technology News with Richard MacManus; interview with data insights platform Alpha.

2/7/19: Interview with The Business of Content, a podcast by journalist Simon Owens. We covered my ReadWriteWeb career through to Cybercultural.

12/6/19: Interview with author Eliot Peper about Cybercultural and how to build a career as a professional creator.



5/4/17: Ep 110 The write stuff with Richard MacManus; interview with the Access Granted podcast.


27/11/16: Interview with Internet History Podcast (mainly about my career at ReadWriteWeb, but there is some discussion about my books at the end).

10/11/16: En 2050, Facebook ressemblera-t-il à Second Life?; article in Usbek & Rica, a French futurist magazine.

3/10/16: Presence is a new novel about VR, clones, and virtual theme parks; excerpt in TechCrunch, a leading tech blog.

3/10/16: How a sci-fi author envisions the future of virtual reality in 2051; interview with Haptical, a news blog about VR.

29/9/16: Interview on Robot Overlordz podcast.

28/9/16: Richard MacManus’ first foray into science fiction; a review by Zach Beauvais.

28/9/16: Launch post about my book Presence.

April 2016: “Health Trackers is a timely and insightful read that demonstrates how technology can increase our awareness of our bodies. The book also sends a clear message to the medical society on the benefits of self-tracking for health care management. MacManus’ own journey through diabetes and self-tracking has spiked my interest to learn more about the value of these technologies in clinical practice.” Ananya De, BPharm, PhD, American Medical Writers Association.


Sept 2015: “What begins as a lighthearted and informative look at useful new devices quickly becomes a thought-provoking study of health care in a brave new world.” Publishers Weekly

11/2/15: “…lively and engaging …an easy to read, well paced survey of an important development.” Gordon Findlay, Booksellers NZ.

31/1/15: Best Books I Never Wrote, an article listing five of my favourite books; Fairfax Media.

24/1/15: Interview with Kim Hill, Radio New Zealand National.

16/1/15: Interview with Liam Butler about Trackers; Eldernet Gazette.

15/1/15: Can tracking apps make us healthier?

2/1/15: Fast Track; cover story about Trackers, by New Zealand magazine The Listener. (article not available online)

The Listener


2/12/14: Press release for Trackers; Lighthouse PR.

21/6/14: “Richard MacManus is undoubtedly New Zealand’s most successful blogger.” Dominion Post


From internet to paperback; Idealog, Aug 2013.

Presentation at Startup Turkey; Antalya, Turkey, February 2013.


Pioneer switches from blog to paper; Dominion Post, December 2012.

Dominion Post article, December 2012

October 2012: I part ways with ReadWriteWeb

My blog post announcing his departure from RWW and plan to write a book, October 12, 2012.

RWW Founder Richard MacManus Starts His Next Chapter, ReadWriteWeb, October 12, 2012.

Founder Richard MacManus Departs ReadWriteWeb To Work On A Book, TechCrunch, October 12, 2012.

Wellington’s Richard MacManus checks out of ReadWriteWeb, The National Business Review (NBR), October 13, 2012.


December 2011: ReadWriteWeb Acquired by SAY Media

On 14 December 2011, ReadWriteWeb – the company I founded – was acquired by San Francisco firm SAY Media.

Click here for a round-up of news coverage and interviews about the acquisition.

Interview with Pelpina Trip from; SXSW, Austin, Mar 11.

Platform politics rife at the office; Dominion Post, Oct 11 (article about web technology in the office; incl quotes from me).

Future perfect?; Sunday Star Times, May 11 (article about future tech; incl quotes).

An invitation to write the future; NZ Herald, Apr 11 (article about Internet of Things; incl quotes).


ABC News Interview with Dan Patterson; ABC News, Jun 10, NYC.

Silicon Welly; Dominion Post, Oct 10 (article about the tech scene in my home city of Wellington, New Zealand. Includes a few quotes.)

Richard MacManus
Interview in Dominion Post weekend magazine, Sep 10 (not available online).

I talk about ReadWriteWeb’s origins for Down to the Wire, the story of New Zealand’s Internet; filmed in Sept 10, Wellington, NZ (video – see also another excerpt here).

WeBlogTheWorld Interview @ RWW Mobile Summit; May 2010, Mountain View, CA.

Introductory remarks at ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit; May 2010, Mountain View, CA (video).

PBS interview at SXSW 2010; PBS, Mar 10, Austin, Texas.

The Paley Center for Media event, NYC; Discussion featuring Ai Weiwei (a leading Chinese artist), Jack Dorsey (creator and co-founder of Twitter) and me; Paley Center, NYC, 15 March 2010.

Twitter tries to dodge China’s firewall; The Dominion Post, Mar 10.

Problogger interview about ReadWriteWeb; Jan 10 (audio).

Kiwi king of the tweets; NZ Herald, Jan 10.


W2W’09 Keynote; Nov 09, Wellington, NZ (video).

Opening Remarks at the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit; Oct 09, Mountain View, CA (video, Facebook privacy settings may apply).

Interview with Richard MacManus of ReadWriteWeb; Aug 09.

Profile on Media 7 tv show; TVNZ7, Mar 09.

What’s in store for New Zealand in the next 10 years?; NZ Herald, Feb 09.


Richard MacManus – the most influential Kiwi online; NZ Herald, Nov 08.

Interview at Web 2.0 Summit by Alison McNeill of; San Francisco, Nov 08 (video).

Kiwi blog lord picked up by NY Times; NZ Herald, Sep 08.

Local blog syndicated to NY Times; NBR, Sep 08.

Winner of Best Blog at Qantas Media Awards 2008; May 2008.

Presentation at the Fairfax Media ’08 conference, Sydney; Sydney Morning Herald, May 2008 (video).

Kiwi blogger has hit the big time; NZ Herald, Apr 08.

Hobby leads to career for tech blogger; The Dominion Post, Feb 08.


Video interview from Web 2.0 event in Australia; Sydney, June 2007 (video).

Kiwi blogger logs on to make a living; NZ Herald, Feb 07.

Richard MacManus, July 2007

Reference articles

Wikipedia entry for ReadWrite

Nieman Journalism Lab entry for RWW in its Encyclo