RWW 2005

RWW at the end of 2005.


30: 2005 reflections and plans for 2006
28: Acquisitions and The Big 3
28: A Year of Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Ups
22: Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2005
21: Phone-throwing kiwi explains
20: Lots going on in Citizen Journalism
20: RSS everywhere in 2005 – RSS organized in 2006?
20: Thanks Feedster
20: Disaster Response and the Web in 2005: The Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina
19: Cat eats pigeons: why Web 2.0 has jumped the shark
18: Web 2.0 is dead. R.I.P.
17: Ben’s Top Ten 2006 Features to Flip
17: Sir Tim Berners-Lee blogs
17: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 10 – 16 Dec 2005
15: Yahoo opens Javascript Developer Center
15: ZDNet: Top Ten Web 2.0 Moments of 2005
14: Media plan of the future
14: Structured blogging is here
13: FeedBurner makes RSS interactive, with FeedFlare
12: Alexa turned into web service – Amazon back to its innovative best
12: Web 2.0 definitions / Wikipedia idiots
11: Gettin’ techie wit it
11: Tis the season for Best Of and Top Ten lists
10: Is Yahoo using Australia and NZ as a testing ground for rich media?
09: Yahoo buys – keep it free!
09: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 3 – 9 Dec 2005
08: Defining Web as Platform
07: The Great Arrington
06: What is lightnet?
05: Page Views per user: RSS blows HTML away
05: Intersection of Mobile and Web 2.0
02: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Nov – 2 Dec 2005
01: Yahoo flying under the radar


About me, circa November 2005.

30: RSS Everywhere II – but where is Google?
30: New Logo
30: Yahoo! puts RSS in email
29: Botcasting – automated text-to-voice services
29: Latest on Web browser market for PC and mobile
29: Calacanis to Malik: How do you like them apples?
28: Do Entrepreneurs Dream of Electric XML?
28: Top Mashups
27: Admin: Upgrade Complete (and note about Weekly Wrap-Up)
Start-ups and International Talent
Web 2.0 Workgroup Update
Blogs Tired, Bookmarks Wired?
The Second Coming of Content and RSS Feeds
Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Nov 2005
Web 2.0 Montage
YAW2D – Paul Graham on Web 2.0
My Silicon Valley Fortune Cookie
Web 2.0 Design Principles – a Case Study
Midblog Crisis
Gawker Strikes Deal With Yahoo 
Yellowikis – A Case Study of a Web 2.0 Business 
Yahoo Shoposphere launches – MeCommerce 
Ben Crunches the Web 2.0 Numbers
Amazon Does Tagging
The World’s Top Websites – Yahoo number 1, China moving up
Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7 – 13 Nov 2005
The Web 2.0 Conspiracy – my cover blown
Who are the Big Internet Companies in 2005?
Melbourne Long Tail BBQ and podcast 
Portals 2.0 flesh out their product lines
Is Web 2.0 a native language to the Chinese?
Ray Ozzie on the Web Office
Anytown Marketplace – Craigslist for any city
Microsoft Leaked Docs + Ballmer on Xbox and TV business
Ah, the Boom and Bust – those were the days…
China Web2.0 Review
Just Say No To Web 2.0
Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 31 Oct – 6 Nov 2005
The Yahoo! System 
Top Ten Web 2.0 Problems Amazon Mechanical Turk Can Solve For Me
International Web 2.0 Events
Gen Y are Content Creators 
Attack of the Clones
Issues Facing Web 2.0 Today
Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0 is now live 
Microsoft Announces The Live Era 


30: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 24-30 Oct 2005
29: InfoWorld story on Microsoft unveiling hosted services next week
27: Microsoft building a Web-based Office suite?
27: Branding in the Dot Oh era
26: Food Fight!
25: WebDosBeta: Spain’s Web 2.0 Conference
25: You want disruptive? Here’s disruptive…
24: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 17-23 Oct 2005
23: Mainstreaming of Web 2.0
22: Web 2.0 Naysaying reaches an all-time high (or is it low)
21: Rethinking Email
21: How Memeorandum tracks the mood of news
21: Will mainstream people flock to Flock?
20: The Great Disruptive Start-Ups Search
19: Publishers sue Google – more evidence of 20th Century Media Delusion
19: Gwhizz – Google drops Gmail name in UK
18: I am Jessica Alba
18: There is no cult of the amateur, Mr Carr
18: Web 2.0 Worm Pandemic Threatens Internet
17: Web 2.0 companies eclipsing 1.0 companies
17: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 10-16 Oct 2005
14: See you soon Silicon Valley!
14: More Web 2.0 Workgroup members
14: craigslists gets heavy with Oodle
14: Web 2.0 Cultural Homogeneity and Class Systems
13: Read/WriteWeb mashed up
13: Microserfs
13: Re-organizing the news
12: Two-Way Web joins Web 2.0 Workgroup – spicy noodles celebration follows
12: Web 2.0: Land of Opportunity, or Land of Absurdity?
11: Acquisitions 101
11: Mash-ups Best Practice and Business Models
11: Yahoo! starts rolling out user-generated content to the masses
10: Web 2.0 Workgroup
09: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 3-9 October 2005
09: My Million Dollar Blog
09: Andreessen confirms Ning business model
08: Web 2.0 Conference Post Round-up
07: Cautious Optimism and Cynical Buzz
07: Discussion: Prosumer Media Mena Trott, Mark Fletcher, Rich Skrenta
07: Conversation: Sergey Brin of Google
07: Search engine stats: Jim Lanzone from
07: Zimbra UI Minute
07: 3D Web Services
07: The Alumni Report Joe Kraus , Kim Polese
07: Google RSS Reader announced at Web 2.0
06: A Conversation with AOL CEO Jonathan Miller
06: Discussion: Open vs. Closed Models
06: Bubble or Bubble-let?
06: Mary Meeker talk
06: Yahoo CEO Terry Semel conversation
06: Flurry of Web 2.0 Business Activity
05: Web 2.0 Conference coverage notes – Wed afternoon
05: Barry Diller conversation
05: Web 2.0 Conference Introduction
05: Web 2.0 Conference: Yahoo – What’s New in the Search Ecosystem: Users, Publishers, and Advertisers
05: Web 2.0 Conference: Ad Models: A New Approach to Marketing?
04: Acquisitions have started already
04: Lycos throws hat in Internet Media ring
04: Bloglines, Rojo, others – juggling balls
04: Ning!
03: Open Content Alliance
02: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Sep – 2 Oct 2005
02: Has Bloglines dropped the ball?
02: In San Francisco


28: Web 2.0 Elevator Pitch
28: Sponsor Opportunity: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up
28: The Services Ecosystem
27: Really Simple Web 2.0
27: Web Services Publishing
26: Acquisition Rumors – Newsgator and Moreover
26: Re-design
26: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 19-25 Sep 2005
25: MSN vs WebMachine
22: 6-Figure Blogging
22: Gmail/Google backlash
22: FeedDigest on the way up
21: Web 2.0 Meme Map
21: Feedburner’s Network Effects
19: The Future of Web Apps and Services, circa 2001
19: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 12-18 Sep 2005
17: WeboMania 2006: Macho Man Microsoft vs Google the Giant
15: The danger of running a remix service
15: BlogBridge topic expert on Web 2.0
15: Fleshing out Web 2.0
14: Google Blog Search Sucks
14: RSS Aggregators, commoditization and value-add
12: New-look Memeorandum launched
12: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 5-11 Sep 2005
10: Grokking BBC Online and Web 2.0 media business models
09: Microsoft’s Web platform and why Windows devices remain key
08: Web 2.0 Stereotypes
07: Book deal and new ZDNet blog
05: The RSS Space defined
05: ProgrammableWeb – Web 2.0 resource for developers
05: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 29 Aug – 4 Sep 2005
04: RSS on mobile phones
02: Web 2.0 Office
01: Question about Wikis
01: Subscriber Stats and Web-based Feed Readers
01: On Being a Media Hub


29: Thin Client Blockbuster
29: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 22-28 August 2005
25: 9rules Network
25: A New Beginning
22: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 15-21 August 2005
21: Ads, Spam, Commercial use of RSS feeds
18: RSS 3.0?
17: Web as Platform Mash-Ups
16: Number 215 with a bullet
15: Going back in time
15: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 8-14 August 2005
14: Feeds is the new RSS
12: Blog Networks are the new black
11: IBM develops computer ‘soul’
10: What’s in a name – RSS or Feeds?
09: Tone down the cheerleading
09: Big Blog Networks: my vision for Networks of Niches
08: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 1-7 August 2005
08: Gettin’ Paid: A Future for Content Creators? Redux
06: Web 2.0 is not about version numbers or betas
04: Microsoft debuts RSS in IE7 Beta 1
03: What about the Alternative Bands?
01: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 25-31 July 2005
01: Defining Web 2.0: the community way


July 2005

29: Exciting Times
26: Points of Presence
25: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 July 2005
22: Points of Presence
20: Web 2.0 Sampler
19: Web 2.0 Sampler
18: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 11-17 July 2005
15: Technorati for President
11: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 4-10 July 2005
10: Good conversation happening in my Bots post
08: On Bots and Content Creation / Aggregation
05: Technorati the No.1 blog search engine according to Alexa
04: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 27 June – 3 July 2005
04: Morning Coffee Notes – Converse with us
03: The Read/Write Web for most people is community websites – like eBay
01: Podcast with Alex Barnett from Microsoft


30: Dogma Radio interviews me in a podcast
29: Talking Blog
29: Yahoo My Web 2.0
27: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 20-26 June 2005
25: Microsoft Embraces and Extends RSS
24: Top Ten Signs You Spend Too Much Time Thinking About Web 2.0
24: MSN: Bloggers Wanted
23: Microsoft about to make a move in RSS-land
23: How to make money by making your content illegible
22: More on AOL portal – promising talk of RSS and topic-focused content
20: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 13-19 June 2005 – International Special
20: Good on ya Cambo!
19: Good Blogs
18: AOL the sleeping giant of RSS?
18: Google website ranking patent – but does it account for RSS and APIs?
16: Yes, I will go to the Web 2.0 Conference
16: Spread this meme: I am the Father of Web 2.0
14: There’s a world outside San Francisco
14: Web 2.0 Conference 2005
13: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 6-12 June 2005
09: Bloglines switches strategy – reasserts blog cred
08: developer shares his thoughts
07: Copyright and Web Content – Practical Solutions
06: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 30 May – 5 June 2005
05: Microsoft’s – new version released
03: RSS Ripoff Merchants: SuperFeedSystem Responds
02: RSS Ripoff Merchants
02: How To Roll Out An Open API
02: Web 2.0 for Teachers
02: Amazon gearing up to be book publisher?
02: Open Source Radio goes live, first show on Web 2.0
02: Chandler Progress


30: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 23-29 May 2005
29: Google Search in Books goes live – And Amazon has it too
28: Ads in RSS should be measured by branding value, NOT click-through
27: Aggregator Ambience: The cure for Information Overload?
27: Web 2.0 and RSS services for hire
25: Web Apps are the new black
24: Bringing Web 2.0 to The People
23: On Interfaces: Rojo, Bloglines, My Yahoogle
23: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 May 2005
22: Testing Google AdSense for feeds
20: Google and MSN’s Web 2.0 Homepages
16: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 May 2005
12: Competition for Bloglines?
12: Aunty Remix
10: MBA and Web 2.0 Symbiosis
08: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 May 2005
05: New: and Digital Web Article
05: Healthcare in Web 2.0
04: update
04: Microsoft’s PC Hybrid and Media Vision
04: Pulling the pieces together
03: 2.0 News
01: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 25 Apr – 1 May 2005
01: 3 Questions about Ads in RSS


Becoming a business: RWW’s first sponsor was in April 2005.

29: Is Microsoft a Web 2.0 company? (alt title: The Center of the Universe)
28: The New New Journalism
27: Kiwi is Microsoft Number 3
25: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 Apr 2005
23: Web 2.0 Noted
22: Media Flows
20: Happy Birthday Read/Write Web!
18: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 11-17 Apr 2005
18: RSS and The Big 3
15: Yahoo News Re-design: Initial Thoughts
14: BBC Mobile, Business Models 2.0, Internet TV
13: Firefox, VCs, MSN Spaces
13: Become.Com, AP vs Google News,
12: Site News
12: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 4-10 Apr 2005
08: JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 3
07: Evolving Wikipedia Definition of Web 2.0
06: JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 2
05: The Gentle Art of Self-Promotion
03: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Mar – 3 Apr 2005


30: JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 1
30: Connected to Yahoo 360
28: Bloglines Not Top Aggregator For Football Fans
28: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 21-27 Mar 2005
27: Eating ETech
24: Bloglines’ Search-based Makeover – In The Big League Now
24: Concept Albums and Blogs
23: Rev ’em up: 2005 Web 2.0 Conference
23: Blogging with Jupiter Research
23: Web 2.0 from IA, Business and People perspectives
14: See you in a week’s time
14: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Mar 2005
10: Microsoft’s Web-based RSS Aggregator?
10: Open Source RSS Statistics
08: Collaborative Feedburner Stats Project
07: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Feb – 6 Mar 2005
03: Long Tail And Blog Subscription Growth
02: It’s Official: Wikipedia Entry For Web 2.0
02: Experiment Over
01: How Yahoo’s Web Services Support Their Media Strategy


28: Beyond Text
28: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 21-27 Feb 2005
26: Serious
23: Blog Branding: and Kottke
22: Call For Non-Techie Web 2.0 Stories
21: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Feb 2005
20: 5 Book Reviews
18: What Is The Data Matrix? Machines and Humans Coexist
16: Weblog Authoring Tools Market Share
14: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Feb 2005
14: Aggregation Advertising Aggravation
11: Oliver Stone Turning My Blog Into A Movie?
10: Blogging 2.0
10: Bloglines Was Scared Off Advertising Strategy
07: How To Subscribe To Topic Or Tag RSS feeds
07: Branding Dander
07: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 30 Jan-6 Feb 2005
06: Bloglines acquired by Ask Jeeves?
05: Flickr CEO talks about Google threat
04: PaperBlogs
03: Finding Gatherers (human tag feeds?)
01: Web 2.0 Definition and Tagging


31: Cut-up Poetry: Ode to Google
30: Patronage
27: The Art and Science of Creative Aggregation
26: Gillmor Gang Explores RSS and Content Business
25: Making it come alive
24: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005
22: Why Topic/Tag/Remix Feeds Are The Future of RSS
20: Remixing and Speculation on The Future of RSS
18: John Doerr at Web 2.0 Conference
17: In which I recontextualize content for commercial profit
16: Lawyer asks Bloglines to remove his feed
16: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 January 2005
13: More Thoughts on RSS Aggregator Market Share
11: Feedburner’s RSS Aggregator Market Share stats
09: Business Blogging
09: Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 January 2005
09: Everything has already moved
06: Content and Containers
02: 43 Things Launches
01: On story-feeding and lack of kick-ass post